11166 Ohio Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90025
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Meeting Notes
Meeting is at Ohio Ave meeting house. There is parking across the street by the bad news bears baseball field.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Open: Open AA meetings in California are informative in nature, designed for those seeking help for alcohol addiction and anyone interested in learning about the 12 step recovery model. Members are encouraged to share their stories and provide tips for recovery, helping observers learn more about how the program works and what their loved ones can expect.
Speaker: AA speakers often blend humor, faith, charm, and raw emotions before audiences. In California, speakers can effectively motivate listeners to harden their resolve against alcohol.
Wheelchair Access: In California, AA meetings with wheelchair accessibility include designated parking spots and safety ramps. Clients can safely maneuver around the facility to participate in AA events.
Young People: AA meetings for young people are intended for members in early adulthood, usually in their late teens and twenties. These groups focus on the experiences and issues that young people may face in their recovery.