6817 Dean Dr
McLean, VA 22101
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Plenty of parking spaces available. This AA meeting is held every Saturday night in the room right next to the church kitchen. We meet here every single Saturday rain or shine. The church and the meeting room are both very easy to find and locate. Excellent Leaders every week. Plenty of cookies and delicious coffee. This meeting needs support so any and all support is both welcomed and greatly appreciated. We hope you will join us on Saturday night each week to keep this meeting going strong. Look forward to seeing you here. You`re amongst Friends. Temporary Closure
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Open: In Virginia, open AA meetings are fully accessible to the public. Members may share their personal experiences with alcohol addiction and recovery while observers can listen and learn. These meetings are informational in nature, welcoming both alcoholics as well as anyone who wants to understand more about the program and its 12 step recovery model.