5000 Pouncey Tract Rd
Glen Allen, VA 23059
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Virginia offers a range of AA meetings rooted in the 12 Steps and Traditions. Meetings are for residents of all backgrounds including teens, young adults, seniors, veterans, members of the LGBTQ community and others. Meetings are open to individuals in recovery, family members, mentors, and others.
Closed: Closed AA meetings in Virginia are not open to anyone outside the AA community. The only people who can attend are members of AA and individuals who recognize they have an alcohol addiction and want to find help. The discussions are informal and everyone can contribute.
Wheelchair Access: Virginia AA centers may provide non-ambulatory clients wheelchair access to participate in meetings. Exterior ramps, designated parking, and open layouts enable safe navigation throughout the facility.