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Find AA Meetings in Smithville, Tennessee

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Find AA meetings in Smithville, Tennessee to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Tennessee includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM There is a Solution 122 South Madison Avenue 122 S Madison Ave Cookeville Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Women's Meeting
12:00 PM Brown Bag Group Brown Bag Group Online Cookeville, TN Cookeville Closed Meeting   Discussion   English
12:00 PM Sobriety First Group Our House 115 N Greenwood St Lebanon Closed Meeting   English
12:00 PM Brown Bag Group St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church 421 N Washington Ave Cookeville Closed Meeting   Discussion   English
12:00 PM Smyrna Gratitude Group Smyrna Air Base 298 Fitzhugh Blvd Smyrna Discussion   English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Serenity Group Murfreesboro Serenity Group Murfreesboro 435 Molloy Lane Murfreesboro Closed Meeting

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Smithville, Tennessee AA Meetings

Smithville is a city in DeKalb County, Tennessee, United States. Smithville has had some cases of alcohol use disorder and that has affected both individuals and society at large. There are many public health issues in the U.S., one of which is alcohol use disorder. Usually, when a public health issue arises, society finds the best ways to manage the situation. It has been the same with alcohol use disorder. Several years ago, a community was formed for people who are tormented by alcohol use disorder and it was called the Alcoholics Anonymous community. The Alcoholics Anonymous community uses the best techniques to aid the recovery of alcohol use disorder sufferers. Since heavy drinking has found its way into almost all cities in the U.S., whatever is considered a solution to the situation should also be easy to access for all sufferers in different places in the nation. AA meetings in Smithville and other parts of the U.S. are therefore organized by the Alcoholics Anonymous community. These meetings happily accept people who are ready to become sober but require some support to attain sobriety. In general, all AA meetings do not cost a dime, and that includes AA meetings in Tennessee. Being a part of the Alcoholics Anonymous community is the only prerequisite and that is a simple process. On our site, we have compiled all AA meetings. The directory is categorized into cities to make the selection process easier. If you need some assistance to commence your treatment, contact us.

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