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Sobriety Helped Me Recover From Sexual Violence

July 15, 2024 | Admin

Clare Egan shares her experience of quitting alcohol I decided to stop drinking on January 1, 2021. The previous night, I’d celebrated the New Year with friends. I’d climbed the fence close to their house with a homemade fruit crumble under my arm. At midnight, we’d toasted to the end of 2020 with a glass…

Sobriety Doesn’t Have to Be Miserable

July 10, 2024 | Admin

Connection and community make it way easier. In getting sober, we not only leave alcohol and other drugs behind. We leave parts of ourselves behind, too. Parts like habits and routines that are familiar, if miserable. Like personalities that turn on with alcohol and fall silent when sober. Like relationships and ways of being in…

Insights From Long-Term Sobriety

July 8, 2024 | Admin

After 48 years sober, I’ve come to some tough realizations. The first drink I ever had resulted in the worst hangover of my life. I was so sick I couldn’t keep water down for more than a week. A normal person would have said: “If this is what drinking is like, I don’t want any…

The Freedom of Commitment

July 3, 2024 | Admin

Does anything require more commitment than getting clean and sober? Commitment: the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. a pledge or undertaking; an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.¹ All good definitions. But what if commitment actually creates freedom rather than restricting it? Shouldn’t that also be a definition of…

How Going Gluten-Free for Celiac Disease Prepared Me for Quitting Drinking

July 1, 2024 | Admin

My diagnosis taught me some valuable lessons about friendship that have helped me maintain a social life without alcohol. After dealing with bloating and stomach pain throughout my 20s, I was finally diagnosed with celiac disease in my early 30s, right around the time the COVID-19 pandemic started. For those unfamiliar, celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder…

Two Potentially Fatal Diseases Meet in a Bar

June 26, 2024 | Admin

How my cancer picked a fight with my alcoholism, but ultimately paid the tab I was once a professional alcoholic. Meaning, I was paid to drink alcohol. I spent my 30s working in the upper echelon of California winemaking, gulping the rarified air that is the cult/luxury wine industry. It was a natural career progression, having…

My Sobriety Story with Jamie Marie

June 24, 2024 | Admin

“You have the power to change your life.” This series showcases personal stories of addiction recovery and sobriety. Today’s edition is by Jamie Marie, an Energetic Healer and Connection Guide/Recovery Coach at A Connected Life Recovery. Jamie Marie believes in the healing power of connection and nature as an essential pillar of recovery. You can find her…

My Sobriety Story with C.L.

June 19, 2024 | Admin

“Giving up was the key.” This series showcases personal stories of addiction recovery and sobriety. Today’s edition is by C.L. Steiner, a freelance writer from Brooklyn, NY, currently living in North Carolina with his wife and not far from his daughters and grandchildren. His best work these days can be found in his Substack newsletter, I’m Not Complaining, and his…

The Good, the Hard, & the Real

June 17, 2024 | Admin

What I’ve learned during three plus years of sobriety My last drink was on January 6th, 2021. January 7th will always be a special date for me, because I finally gave up the drink for good. I surrendered and accepted that alcohol was no good for me. And it’s the day I started writing, just…

I Found Freedom at Rehab

June 12, 2024 | Admin

Community, belonging, and acceptance in sobriety “Head down to the common room and join the group,” David tells me. “Join?” I say incredulously. “Sure, go ahead. They are doing the tenth step wrap-up. I’ll be right there,” he says. “Um, you mean, participate?” I ask. “It’s okay, just walk in and grab a seat. They’re…