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Regardless of whether you’re an active or former member of Alcoholics Anonymous, keeping in touch with your sponsor and other AA members can help you stay on course with sobriety. If you’re going through tough times, or faced with a situation that could lead to drinking, calling AA can save your life and prevent you from making a big mistake. Keeping an Alcohol Anonymous number in your wallet is a must if you’re a recovering alcoholic devoted to staying clean.
If you or your loved one is struggling with alcoholism, understand that help is just one phone call away. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-948-8417 Sponsored to consult with an addiction specialist about your options for alcohol rehab centers and AA meetings.
Here are five reasons to keep phone numbers for AA and your sponsor on hand indefinitely.
1. You May Feel Tempted to Drink
This is one of the top reasons AA members call their sponsors. When you’re feeling the urge to drink, or you’re having a bad day that could lead to drinking, call your AA sponsor and explain the situation. A great AA sponsor will take time to talk you out of drinking, and to help you avoid temptation.
2. You Don’t Understand the Big Book
If you’re reading the Big Book or other AA literature, you may have problems grasping or understanding the 12 steps and other concepts associated with the program. Call your sponsor at times you need help navigating the Big Book and 12 steps.
3. You Don’t Know How to Handle Certain Situations
After you quit drinking, you may find yourself in situations you’re not sure how to handle without turning to alcohol. For instance, if you’re having a particularly stressful day, you may not know of healthy ways to cope with stress that don’t involve alcohol. Call AA if you don’t know how to resolve a difficult situation that involves alcohol or could lead to drinking.
4. You Need Help With Your Sponsee
If you’re the sponsor of another AA member, there may be times you don’t have the right answers, or need guidance to handle certain situations between you and your sponsee. When this happens, call your own sponsor for insight on how to help your current sponsee.
5. You Want to Attend a Meeting Immediately
As a rule, you can attend nearly any AA meeting or group anywhere, in any city. This is helpful when you’re feeling the urge to drink, and feel that going to AA can prevent you from relapsing. Call AA for help with finding a nearby meeting, especially if you’re traveling, or need to attend a meeting at a time you don’t normally attend.
Have a one-on-one discussion with your AA sponsor to gain insight into other reasons you may need to call your sponsor. Your AA sponsor can set expectations and guidelines for your relationship, and provide you with contact information for another AA member or sponsor when your own sponsor is not available.
Don’t allow alcoholism and addiction to take over your life — get help before it’s too late. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-948-8417 Sponsored or an Alcohol Anonymous number to learn more about the benefits of 12-step AA meetings and support groups.