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Going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings can literally help save the lives of people who are struggling with and recovering from alcohol addiction. AA meetings are available in nearly every town and city, as well as over the telephone and via the Internet for individuals who are unable to attend in-person meetings. To find an AA meeting near you, try searching for groups online, or ask your healthcare provider for referrals.
You can also call our helpline at 800-948-8417 Sponsored to speak with a counselor who can help you find available AA groups in your area.
If you’re ready to overcome alcohol addiction and are interested in joining an AA group for support and guidance along the way, here are 5 useful ways to find an AA meeting.
1. Ask Your Counselor, Doctor, or Treatment Center
One of the best ways to find an AA meeting is to ask your counselor, physician, or treatment center for a list of local AA groups. In most cases, these people are already connected with AA sponsors and chairpersons, and can connect you with an AA group best suited for you and your individual needs as a recovering alcoholic. Counselors and healthcare professionals are usually more than happy to supply you with the information you need to overcome addiction.
2. Contact a Treatment Specialist
Call a general helpline center to speak with a specialist or advisor regarding available treatment and recovery options — including AA meetings. Treatment advisors are available around the clock 24/7 to help you obtain the resources you need to overcome alcohol addiction through AA. Call our helpline at 800-948-8417 Sponsored and ask for help with finding a nearby AA meeting.
This helpline is also useful for individuals who cannot attend in-person AA meetings, such as those who live outside of city limits, those with limited mobility, and parents who lack access to child care. In these cases, a treatment specialist can discuss your options for AA phone meetings, or AA Internet meetings.
3. Do a Basic Internet Search
Launch your favorite search engine and search for “AA meetings” or “Alcoholics Anonymous meetings,” plus the name of your town or city. The page will display multiple links to various AA groups and other resources that can help you find a nearby AA meeting. This method also allows you to learn more about different styles of AA meetings, such as open meetings, closed meetings, or meetings limited to specific genders and age groups.
4. Ask Trusted Friends and Loved Ones
Ask your closest friends, family members, and confidants if they know of any AA groups you can join, or of any AA sponsors who can contact you. Many individuals have family members, spouses, and other friends and loved ones who have struggled with alcohol addiction in the past, or are currently in recovery.
Keep in mind that due to the anonymity of AA, you may not be provided with the names of individuals in these groups; instead, ask if your friend can pass your contact information along to an AA sponsor, or to an AA group leader or chairperson.
5. Consult the Yellow Pages
If you don’t have access to the Internet, visit the nearest public library and ask for a print phone book or directory. Use the yellow pages to find local AA groups and fellowships, and start making phone calls to ask about meeting details and directions to the venue.
Alternately, try to find phone numbers for your city or county health agency, or numbers for addiction or mental health services in your area. In most cases, these organizations can provide you with phone numbers or referrals to local AA groups.
Once you’ve admitted you have a problem with alcohol addiction, your next step is to find an AA meeting comprised of understanding individuals who can help you along the path to recovery and sobriety. For additional guidance, please call 800-948-8417 Sponsored to speak with a counselor who can help you obtain the resources you need to become healthier and alcohol-free.