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7 Benefits of Sharing at AA Meetings

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One of the top benefits of going to AA meetings is being able to talk about your recovery journey, and about any roadblocks you might be facing along the way. Sharing your experiences about overcoming alcohol addiction in this setting can be therapeutic because it allows you to bond and connect with other individuals who are facing the same types of problems. Plus, your stories might even motivate and inspire those who are still in the early stages of sobriety.

Fortunately, you’ll spend the majority of your time at every AA meeting sharing with other group members, and hearing them share their stories as well. If you’re currently trying to overcome alcohol addiction and want to share your story, call our helpline at 800-948-8417 Question iconSponsored . Our counselors can help you find nearby AA meetings that can guide you on the path toward sobriety.

In the meantime, here are 7 useful benefits associated with sharing at AA meetings.

1. Release Stress and Tension

Sharing at AA Meetings

You can develop new friendships through AA meetings.

Sharing at AA meetings helps you release stress and tension by allowing you to be candid and honest with peers who understand your struggles and what you’re going through. Some of the stories you choose to share about addiction and recovery might be too difficult or inappropriate to talk about with your closest friends and family. AA meetings give you an outlet where you can share your most personal stories while relieving stress in the process.

2. Gain New Perspective

Sharing at AA meetings can help you gain new perspective on old problems that may have been plaguing you in regards to sobriety and alcohol addiction. Hearing success stories from others who are also overcoming addiction can inspire you to try new activities and methods for achieving your own success. Likewise, your personal stories could have the same effect on other group members.

3. Become an Insider

People who share at AA meetings often feel more a part of the group due to having contributed their own story. If you’re feeling alone or isolated on behalf of alcohol addiction, sharing your story can make you feel more like an insider or part of the team.

4. Experience Clarity

If you’re having a particularly bad day or can’t pinpoint exactly what’s bothering you, sharing your story and talking out loud can help you experience clarity regarding your issue or problem. Sharing plays a major role in recovery, especially on days you feel uneasy and need to voice your concerns out loud.

5. Stay Accountable

Sharing at your AA meeting helps prevent you from slipping into denial or being delusional about your addiction to alcohol. Talking in front of your group can often make it difficult to deny or hide the fact you’re struggling with addiction, and helps you stay accountable for your behavior and actions. Additionally, voicing your stories out loud opens the door to advice and suggestions about how to stay on track with sobriety.

6. Avoid Relapse

AA members who stop sharing at AA meetings are often more likely to experience relapse. Keeping thoughts and emotions inside can lead to feelings of anger and resentment, and trigger the urge to start drinking again. But being open about struggles with addiction can banish negative and destructive thoughts, and help you get back on the road to recovery.

7. Develop New Friendships

Forging friendships with the people you meet at AA can help you succeed with recovery given they’re also working toward the same goal of staying sober. Sharing makes it easier for you to break the ice and develop friendships, while staying quiet and avoiding interaction can make it more difficult for you to connect with these individuals. After attending your first AA meetings, you’ll soon be engaging in fun, alcohol-free activities with people who can help you experience and learn to embrace a healthy, sober lifestyle.

Are you looking for AA meetings that can help you overcome alcohol addiction? Call our helpline at 800-948-8417 Question iconSponsored for guidance and support, and to learn more about how AA meetings can help you achieve long-term sobriety.

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