210 N Madison St
Richmond, VA 23220
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Wheelchair Accessible
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Open: In Virginia, open AA meetings are fully accessible to the public. Members may share their personal experiences with alcohol addiction and recovery while observers can listen and learn. These meetings are informational in nature, welcoming both alcoholics as well as anyone who wants to understand more about the program and its 12 step recovery model.
Smoking Permitted: Select AA chapters may allow permit smoking during the meeting or have a designated space for smoking in accordance with the facility’s policy and local ordinances. Smoking may include other tobacco usage and vaping.
Women: Virginia AA meetings for women are women-only peer support meetings for community members who are affected by alcohol addiction - women who are addicted to alcohol as well as those who have loved ones suffering from alcoholism. Open for women of all ages to attend at no cost, these meetings offer peer support and are guided by a 12-step recovery program.