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Answered Prayer Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


10 N Main Ave
Albany, NY 12203

Get Help With Alcohol Addiction

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Candlelight: Candlelight AA meetings are sessions in which members bring candles, usually white, that represent their hopes and goals. When each member shares, that member lights their candles as they discuss their challenges and successes.

Child-Friendly: Child-friendly AA meetings allow each member to bring up to one child to the meeting, with the expectation that the discussion will not feature experiences or language that are inappropriate for the child. Formal childcare may not be available, but the member can watch over her child while participating in the discussion.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in New York give all members the opportunity to speak on a specific topic related to alcoholism and recovery. Leaders typically find these topics in AA texts, such as Daily Reflections. They will share first, and then others are welcome to contribute to the conversation.

Open: Open AA meetings in New York are accessible to anyone from the community. This includes individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction as well as their friends and loved ones or anyone who wants to learn more about how AA operates and what the 12 step recovery model entails.

Other AA Meetings In Albany

Find more AA meetings in Albany, NY review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Seeds of Change Group

10 N Main Ave Albany, NY 12203

One Day at a Time AM

45 Colvin Ave Albany, NY 12206

Downtown 12

222 Madison Ave Albany, NY 12210

59 Minute Meeting Group

15 Ridge Pl Latham, NY 12110

Out To Lunch Bunch Group

Pheasant Ln, East Greenbush, NY

5th Avenue Sobriety Group

189 5th Ave Troy, NY 12180

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