21 Robert Treat Pkwy
Milford, CT 06460
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Types of AA Meetings
As Bill Sees It: As Bill Sees It is a collection of essays and reflections from AA’s founder, Bill W., about the organization and its purpose. The book is often referenced in AA meetings to encourage members to individually and collectively discuss their recovery.
Discussion: In Connecticut, AA discussion meetings revolve around one specific topic. A member serving as the leader will open the meeting by referencing an AA text, such as AA Grapevine, the Big Book, or Daily Reflections. Then, other members can participate and share their own feelings about the topic and its relation to their recovery journey.
Open: In Connecticut, open AA meetings are available to any interested member of the public, including individuals who aren’t seeking treatment for an alcohol use disorder. This gives participants the opportunity to learn more about AA and the 12 step model of recovery.