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Atchison County Wild Bunch

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


501 S Market St
Rock Port, MO 64482

Get Help With Alcohol Addiction

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Child-Friendly: Child-friendly AA meetings allow each member to bring up to one child to the meeting, with the expectation that the discussion will not feature experiences or language that are inappropriate for the child. Formal childcare may not be available, but the member can watch over her child while participating in the discussion.

Open: Open AA meetings in Missouri are accessible to anyone in the community. During this time, AA members will share their experiences and recovery journeys with the group, allowing attendees to learn firsthand how the program works, what the 12 step recovery model includes, and how they can support their friend or loved one seeking help for alcohol addiction.

Wheelchair Access: In Missouri, non-ambulatory clients may participate in AA meetings via wheelchair access. The center may provide ramps, designated parking, and an open layout to enable full participation.

Other AA Meetings In Rock Port

Find more AA meetings in Rock Port, MO review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

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Bellevue 12 and 12

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401 Group

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