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Boardroom Meeting

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1638 R St NW #120
Washington, DC 20009

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Meeting Notes

front room


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Gay: Gay AA chapters can consist of members who are homosexual men or are simply gay-friendly. Topics in discussion are frequently related to issues facing gay men and their recovery.

Open: Open AA meetings in Washington, D.C. are accessible to anyone in the community. Attendees do not have to be members of AA to attend. These meetings are educational and informative, allowing current members to share their personal stories and experiences. Individuals looking for help with alcohol addiction can attend, along with anyone who wants to understand more about AA.

Speaker: AA members in Washington D.C. often listen to motivational speakers to reinforce their resolve against drinking. In the AA center, speakers deliver their points by using emotional appeal, reason, humor, and faith.

Wheelchair Access: Non-ambulatory clients in Washington D.C. have wheelchair access in many AA centers. These features may include exterior ramps, designated parking spots, and open interior layouts for safe navigation in meeting halls and restrooms.

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