Ames, IA 50010
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Meeting Notes
Zoom Meeting Phone: 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 858 2758 3279 Passcode: coffee
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Discussion: In Iowa, AA discussion meetings center around a core theme related to alcoholism and recovery. The speaker will select a passage from an AA text that relates to the theme, such as the Big Book or AA Grapevine, and reflect on it. Then, others can add their own stories and inputs.
Newcomer: In Iowa, AA newcomer meetings are held for individuals who are new to AA and want to seek help for their drinking problem. The meetings are usually led by experienced members who have been sober for a while and may follow a discussion-based or lesson-centered format.
Open: Open AA meetings in Iowa are open to anyone in the community, including alcoholics and nonalcoholics alike. They’re designed to be educational and informative, allowing attendees a firsthand look into how the program operates and what the 12 step recovery model includes. Members can participate and share stories while observers are free to listen and learn.