314 7th St
Bridgeport, NE 69336
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
First Tuesday is an Open maating, all others are Closed meetings
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Closed: In Nebraska, closed AA meetings are limited to AA members and people seeking help for alcoholism. Nonalcoholics and casual community observers are not permitted to attend. This provides a safe and welcoming space for individuals to share about their addictions, ask questions, and learn about AA’s recovery model.
Daily Reflections: Daily Reflections is an AA text that compiles insight, experience, and encouragement from various members. Selected contents may be topics of discussions in AA meetings. Members can also adapt reflections into their daily activities.
Wheelchair Access: AA meetings in Nebraska can feature ramps and designated parking for wheelchair access. The center may also have open spaces for meeting halls, restroom accessibility, and easy navigation throughout the facility.