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BullFrog Corner

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1953 Sartain Dr
Horn Lake, MS 38637

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In Mississippi, closed AA meetings are only available to AA members and people who recognize they have an alcohol addiction and want to seek help. The discussions are informal in nature and everyone is invited to share their personal reflections, challenges, and hopes for the future.

Discussion: In Mississippi, AA discussion meetings are focused on one specific aspect of alcoholism and recovery. Leaders may find inspiration in an AA text, such as the AA Grapevine. They’ll share their reflections first and then others can participate in the group conversation.

Open: In Mississippi, open AA meetings allow all interested community members to come together and learn more about what AA entails and how its recovery model works. In addition to individuals seeking support for alcohol addiction, this may include nonalcoholic friends, family members, and loved ones of AA members.

Wheelchair Access: Mississippi AA meetings may include wheelchair access for non-ambulatory clients. These features can include designated parking, ramps, and an open floor plan for easy navigation.

Other AA Meetings In Horn Lake

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The Branch

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4th Dimension Group

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Taking the 12 Steps

7715 US-70 #108 Memphis, TN 38133

Recovery 101 Group

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