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By the Book Men’s Meeting

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


3200 O St
Lincoln, NE 68503

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Meeting Notes

Suite 2.


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In Nebraska, closed AA meetings are limited to AA members and people seeking help for alcoholism. Nonalcoholics and casual community observers are not permitted to attend. This provides a safe and welcoming space for individuals to share about their addictions, ask questions, and learn about AA’s recovery model.

Discussion: In Nebraska, AA discussion meetings allow all members to reflect on a common topic associated with alcoholism and recovery. These topics usually derive from an AA text, such as Daily Reflections or the Big Book. Leaders will open with their own insights and then encourage others to join the conversation.

Men: In Nebraska, men of all ages who are impacted by alcohol use disorder can join free AA groups. Some meetings are designated only for men, in which members discuss their health and recovery while participating in 12 Step Programs.

Other AA Meetings In Lincoln

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By the Book Men’s Meeting

3200 O St Lincoln, NE 68510

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24 Hours a Day

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60 Minutes

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