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Chandler Noon Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


901 W Erie St
Chandler, AZ 85225

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: Clients in Arizona may participate in Big Book discussions. The Big Book contains dozens of inspirational stories of past clients who successfully controlled their alcohol use disorder.

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Arizona are for AA members only, or anyone who has a problem with drinking and wants to stop. Observers from the community are not allowed to attend. Discussions are informal and all members are invited to participate.

Open: Open AA meetings in Arizona are open to anyone who wants to learn more about the program and how the 12 step recovery model operates. This may include individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction as well as their friends and family members. This allows nonalcoholics to understand the basic meeting structure so they can provide support moving forward.

Tradition Study: Tradition Study sessions are AA reflections about the organization. Members discuss how AA chapters can be more successful in their purpose through greater unity and its outreach programs.

Other AA Meetings In Chandler

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901 W Erie St Chandler, AZ 85225

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