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Cornerstone Recovery

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


West Bloomfield Township, MI

Get Help With Alcohol Addiction

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Michigan are not open to members of the general community. The only individuals who may attend are AA members and individuals who want to find help for alcohol addiction. This creates a welcoming space for members to share their recovery journey with others who have been through a similar experience.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Michigan usually revolve around a central theme related to alcohol addiction and recovery. The meeting leader will start by sharing their insights on the subject, which may be taken from an AA text such as Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Then, they’ll invite others to share.

Literature: Michigan literature-based AA meetings are community support meetings for men and women who are impacted by alcohol addiction. Free to attend and open to all ages, these community support meetings offer a study of the Big Book of AA and other AA literature within AA’s 12-step recovery program.

Other AA Meetings In Bloomfield Township

Find more AA meetings in Bloomfield Township, MI review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Secular Recovery Group

West Bloomfield Township, MI

Precisely How We Have Recovered 2.0

5171 Commerce Rd West Bloomfield Township, MI 48324


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Never On Sunday

60 N Tilden Ave Waterford Twp, MI 48328

The 5:30

1123 E West Maple Rd Walled Lake, MI 48390

Serenity @ 7

1123 E West Maple Rd Walled Lake, MI 48390

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