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Cradock Study

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96 Afton Pkwy
Portsmouth, VA 23702

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Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: AA programs in Virginia frequently use the Big Book to inspire participants. The Big Book contains stories about real people who overcame alcohol use disorder.

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Virginia are not open to anyone outside the AA community. The only people who can attend are members of AA and individuals who recognize they have an alcohol addiction and want to find help. The discussions are informal and everyone can contribute.

Discussion: In Virginia, AA discussion meetings are structured around a particular topic that relates to alcohol addiction and recovery. Leaders will typically share first, referencing an AA text such as the Big Book before sharing their personal reflections. Then, other members can talk about what the topic means to them.

Step Meeting: AA groups in Virginia use step meetings as a central part of the 12 Step Program. Members come together to read from AA texts, discuss how those passages compare to their own experiences, and make recommendations for improvement as their recovery continues.

Other AA Meetings In Portsmouth

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Expect a Miracle ABSI

Portsmouth, VA

AA 101

600 Gresham Dr Norfolk, VA 23507

49th St Living Sober

Wesley House, 1338 W 49th St Norfolk, VA 23508

Larchmont 12 Step Study

1105 Jamestown Crescent Norfolk, VA 23508

Town and Country (23452)

509 S Rosemont Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23452

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