29 Gap Newport Pike
Avondale, PA 19311
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Pennsylvania are structured around a central topic related to alcoholism and recovery. After opening the meeting and sharing the topic, leaders may share briefly from a related AA text. Then, they’ll add their own insights and encourage others to participate in the conversation.
Open: In Pennsylvania, open AA meetings are accessible to all local community members who want a firsthand look into how the program operates and what the 12 strep recovery model includes. This may include individuals looking for help with alcohol addiction as well as their supporters.
Spanish: Spanish AA meetings are intended for members who have limited English-speaking skills or those who choose to participate in Spanish. Other features of the center, such as AA literature or sign-language interpreters, may or may not be available in Spanish.