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Downtown Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1802 Abercorn St
Savannah, GA 31401

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

As Bill Sees It: As Bill Sees It is a collection of essays and reflections from AA’s founder, Bill W., about the organization and its purpose. The book is often referenced in AA meetings to encourage members to individually and collectively discuss their recovery.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Georgia are led by a speaker, who opens the meeting by sharing a general topic to discuss. This topic is typically derived from an AA text, such as AA Grapevine or the Big Book. Once the speaker shares their input on the topic, they will open the floor for others to give their opinions and reflections.

Living Sober: AA centers may have selected sessions set aside for Living Sober discussions. This text is secular in nature, and focuses on practical ways that members have used to stay sober one day at a time.

Open: In Georgia, anyone in the community can attend open AA meetings. These are available to individuals recovering from alcohol use disorder as well as nonalcoholics who want to learn more about the AA program and how the 12 step recovery model operates. The meetings are informative in nature and may include member input.

Other AA Meetings In Savannah

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3rd Tradition Group Richmond Hill

9050 Ford Avenue Richmond Hill, GA, 31324

11th Step Prayer & Meditation Meeting

10 Simmonsville Rd Bluffton, SC 29910

Serenity Group/1st Step

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