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Dunnellon Women’s Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


20641 Chestnut St
Dunnellon, FL 34431

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Meeting Notes

Meeting location is in separate conference hall building, but is not in large hall unless normal meeting place exceeds capacity. Instead, they use the smaller room in the northeast corner of the building, accessed via the large conference room.


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Florida are limited to members of AA or anyone who seeking help and support for alcohol addiction. This creates a safe space for participants to share about their experiences and recovery journeys. Discussions are informal and everyone can participate.

Step Meeting: AA members in Florida often schedule step meetings in their programs. In these meetings, members read from texts like Twelve Steps, talk about their level of progress, and strategize for greater improvement for their next meeting.

Women: Women’s AA meetings in Florida are group peer support meetings for women who are affected by alcohol addiction. These meetings use a 12-step recovery curriculum and are open to all women free of charge, including women who are addicted to alcohol and women who have loved ones with alcohol addiction.

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