1933 E University Dr #24
Mesa, AZ 85203
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Meeting Notes
*Second Sunday of the month is the Group conscience meeting.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Closed: Closed AA meetings in Arizona are for AA members only, or anyone who has a problem with drinking and wants to stop. Observers from the community are not allowed to attend. Discussions are informal and all members are invited to participate.
Gay: Gay AA chapters can consist of members who are homosexual men or are simply gay-friendly. Topics in discussion are frequently related to issues facing gay men and their recovery.
LGBTQ: Selected AA chapters focus on providing a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community, and generally welcome LGBTQ+ allies. These groups prioritize members’ recovery and sobriety within a non-heteronormative context.
Open: Open AA meetings in Arizona are open to anyone who wants to learn more about the program and how the 12 step recovery model operates. This may include individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction as well as their friends and family members. This allows nonalcoholics to understand the basic meeting structure so they can provide support moving forward.
Women: Women’s AA meetings in Arizona are peer support group meetings for women who are affected by alcohol addiction. The meetings use a 12-step curriculum to guide women at all stages of alcoholism recovery. These community meetings are available at no charge for women of all ages.