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Elk Point SD AA Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


107 East Main Street
Elk Point, SD, 57025

Get Help With Alcohol Addiction

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

12 Steps & 12 Traditions: South Dakota's AA programs, built upon the research-backed 12 steps and traditions, create a welcoming space for individuals who are seeking recovery. With regular meetings led by peers and mentors, everyone can find the support they need.

Big Book: Clients in South Dakota AA programs often find inspiration in the Big Book. This collection of stories feature the lives of real people who overcame alcohol use disorder.

Closed: In South Dakota, only members and indviiduals seeking help for alcohol addiction can attend open AA meetings. They are not accessible to outside community members. The discussion topics relate to alcoholism and recovery and everyone is invited to share.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in South Dakota provide a specific addiction-related topic for group members to discuss and reflect upon. Leaders often derive this topic from an AA text, such as Daily Reflections or the Big Book. Once they open with their initial thoughts, others are welcome to share their input.

Other AA Meetings In Elk Point

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