19 Church Rd
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
ADA accessible. Hybrid meeting, Zoom: 902 636 977 passcode: Sober2020
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Discussion: In Massachusetts, AA discussion meetings are designed to give everyone the chance to share about a particular topic. Leaders will choose a central theme, usually based upon an AA text such as the Big Book. They’ll share first, then encourage members to offer their own insights and reflections.
Open: Open AA meetings in Massachusetts are available to anyone interested in the AA program of alcoholism recovery. Attendees will learn more about how AA works and what the 12 step model entails. Individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction can attend, as well as friends and loved ones who want to support their recovery journey.
Step Meeting: In Massachusetts, AA programs include step meetings based on the 12 Step Program. Members read out of AA texts, compare their recovery to the stages, and discuss goals to improve their resilience throughout the program.
Wheelchair Access: AA meetings in Massachusetts may include an open floor plan for full wheelchair access. Non-ambulatory clients may also have access to ramps and designated parking spaces.