6770 N High St
Worthington, OH 43085
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Meeting Notes
Now a Hybrid meeting in person and on Zoom ID 812 1911 5951
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Discussion: In Ohio, AA discussion meetings center around one specific aspect of alcohol addiction and recovery. Leaders begin by sharing their own thoughts and experiences related to the topic, which often comes from an AA text, such as the Big Book. Then, others can join in and add their own reflections.
Open: Open AA meetings in Ohio do not restrict attendance to AA members only. Instead, anyone from the community is welcome to attend and learn more about how AA operates and what the 12 step recovery model includes. This includes alcoholics as well as their friends, relatives, and loved ones.
Secular: Secular AA meetings lack a faith-based component of healing and tend to focus on practical experiences and challenges. Secular meetings are usually attended by atheist, agnostic, and non-religious members.