192 Thimble Island Rd
Branford, CT 06405
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Please note the church's inclement weather policy: if the Branford school system closes due to weather threats the church will be closed too. There will be no meetings on those days.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: Connecticut AA meetings may use the Big Book as a main discussion topic. The Big Book features real stories of men and women who overcame alcohol use disorder, and is a source of inspiration for clients.
Closed: In Connecticut, closed AA meetings are only available to members and individuals who want to seek help for a drinking problem. Newcomers can ask questions and learn more about the program and others can share their sobriety journey and offer hope for the future.
Discussion: In Connecticut, AA discussion meetings revolve around one specific topic. A member serving as the leader will open the meeting by referencing an AA text, such as AA Grapevine, the Big Book, or Daily Reflections. Then, other members can participate and share their own feelings about the topic and its relation to their recovery journey.
Step Meeting: Step meetings are part of Connecticut AA programs. In these meetings, participants converse about the stages of their recovery, compare their experiences to those in AA texts, and make goals for strengthening their recovery.