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Friday Night Sober at 7:04

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


745 Little Neck Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23452

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Child-Friendly: Child-friendly AA meetings allow each member to bring up to one child to the meeting, with the expectation that the discussion will not feature experiences or language that are inappropriate for the child. Formal childcare may not be available, but the member can watch over her child while participating in the discussion.

Literature: Virginia AA literature meetings are support group meetings for men and women who are affected by alcohol addiction. These cost-free community meetings study the Big Book of AA and other recovery writings by AA founders and leaders as part of a 12-step addiction recovery program.

Open: In Virginia, open AA meetings are fully accessible to the public. Members may share their personal experiences with alcohol addiction and recovery while observers can listen and learn. These meetings are informational in nature, welcoming both alcoholics as well as anyone who wants to understand more about the program and its 12 step recovery model.

Other AA Meetings In Virginia Beach

Find more AA meetings in Virginia Beach, VA review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Wednesday Women

745 Little Neck Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Town and Country (23452)

509 S Rosemont Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23452

The 5th Tradition

509 S Rosemont Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23452

11th Step Group

2225 Rose Hall Dr Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Bayside 12 Step Study

1400 Ewell Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23455

Small Shores (23454)

1969 Woodside Ln Virginia Beach, VA 23454

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