2044 Genesee St
Toledo, OH 43605
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Types of AA Meetings
12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Ohio's AA program follows the 12-step tradition, providing a pathway to sobriety for those in need. Meetings are open to the public, offer a supportive community for individuals and their loved ones, and promote understanding and healing.
Big Book: The Big Book is used as a discussion topic in Ohio AA programs. Clients can be inspired by the collection of stories about real women and men who overcame alcohol use disorder.
Closed: In Ohio, closed AA meetings are open to members only, including anyone seeking help for an alcohol addiction. The discussions center on topics related to alcoholism and recovery and all participants are invited to contribute.
Discussion: In Ohio, AA discussion meetings center around one specific aspect of alcohol addiction and recovery. Leaders begin by sharing their own thoughts and experiences related to the topic, which often comes from an AA text, such as the Big Book. Then, others can join in and add their own reflections.
Newcomer: In Ohio, AA newcomer meetings are available for individuals who want to understand how AA works as they seek help for alcohol addiction. Experienced members usually lead the meetings and they may share an overview of the first three steps in the recovery model.
Open: Open AA meetings in Ohio do not restrict attendance to AA members only. Instead, anyone from the community is welcome to attend and learn more about how AA operates and what the 12 step recovery model includes. This includes alcoholics as well as their friends, relatives, and loved ones.
Speaker: Ohio AA members may invite motivational speakers to help their resolve against relapse. Speakers are usually AA alumni and use a blend of humor, reason, emotions, and faith to encourage sobriety.
Step Meeting: Ohio AA centers rely on step meetings to assist members’ recovery. The group reads passages from Twelve Steps and compares these excerpts to their own experience. That way, the group can plan on ways to enhance their progress for the next step.
Wheelchair Access: Wheelchair access in Ohio AA centers enable non-ambulatory clients to fully participate in group meetings. Features include exterior ramps, designated parking, and open floor plans for safe navigation.