1444 Liberty St SE
Salem, OR 97302
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Chairing is by sign up. Chairperson chooses a reading from Conference approved literature, reads and shares on the topic. Business meetings are the 1st Monday of the Month after the regular meeting. All may attend but only Homegroup members may vote.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Birthday: In AA, birthdays refer to the last day (or the day after) that a member used alcohol or drugs. Birthday anniversaries are celebrated as milestones to encourage sobriety.
Closed: Closed AA meetings in Oregon are not open to the public. Community members cannot sit in and observe. Instead, the only attendees are AA members and individuals seeking treatment for alcohol addiction.
Literature: Oregon literature-led AA meetings are support group meetings for people who are affected by alcohol addiction, including those suffering from alcoholism and those who have loved ones addicted to alcohol. These no-cost community meetings are based on the Big Book of AA and other AA literature as part of a 12-step addiction recovery program.
Newcomer: AA newcomer meetings in Oregon create a space for people who are new to AA to ask questions and glean insights from more experienced members. These meetings usually include a synopsis of Steps 1 through 3 of the 12 step recovery model.
Women: Oregon women’s AA meetings are group meetings for women who are impacted by alcohol addiction - those who have alcohol addiction and those who have loved ones who are suffering from alcoholism. Open to women of all ages in the community, these meetings follow a 12-step program for recovery and are free to attend.