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Grupo 11 de Septiembre

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


222 Ritchie St
Nacogdoches, TX 75964

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Meeting Notes



Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In Texas, closed AA meetings are only available to members of AA or people seeking help for alcohol addiction. General members of the public cannot attend. The discussions are informal and typically focus on one specific aspect of addiction recovery.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Texas allow all members to participate and share their thoughts on a given subject. The subjects pertain to alcoholism and recovery and usually tie into an AA text, such as As Bill Sees It or AA Grapevine. Leaders will share first, explaining their reflections on the topic and any related experiences.

Spanish: Spanish AA meetings are intended for members who have limited English-speaking skills or those who choose to participate in Spanish. Other features of the center, such as AA literature or sign-language interpreters, may or may not be available in Spanish.

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