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Grupo Virtual Washingtonianos

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


Northwest Washington, Washington, DC

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Meeting Notes

Reunión de zoom: Número de marcación: (301) 715-8592, código de acceso: 679260920#; El código de acceso es: 1939 Presione * 6 para silenciar / compartir, * 9 para levantar la mano Consulte a continuación los enlaces de acceso telefónico y / o reunión en línea con un clic meditación vipasana


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: In Washington D.C., clients in AA programs often read and discuss the Big Book. This anthology features real people who overcame alcohol use disorder and can be a source of inspiration.

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Washington, D.C. are only open to AA members and individuals who want to find help to overcome a drinking problem. Anyone can participate in the discussion, which usually focuses on a specific aspect of alcohol addiction and recovery.

Meditation: Meditation AA meetings feature physical and emotional calmness as a main method of healing. The meetings open with 15 minutes of private mediation and close with an additional 5 minutes of meditation.

Spanish: Spanish AA meetings are intended for members who have limited English-speaking skills or those who choose to participate in Spanish. Other features of the center, such as AA literature or sign-language interpreters, may or may not be available in Spanish.

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