Lee, MA 01238
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Types of AA Meetings
12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Massachusetts' AA programs offer peer-led guidance through the 12 Steps and traditions, providing a lifeline of support for those seeking sobriety. AA meetings in the state provide a welcoming environment for individuals and their loved ones, setting the stage for continued personal growth, education, and sobriety.
Big Book: In Massachusetts, clients in AA programs frequently discuss the Big Book. This collection of stories about women and men who overcame alcohol use disorder is used to inspire clients.
Daily Reflections: Daily Reflections is an AA text that compiles insight, experience, and encouragement from various members. Selected contents may be topics of discussions in AA meetings. Members can also adapt reflections into their daily activities.
Literature: Massachusetts literature-based AA meetings are peer support meetings for people who are impacted by alcohol addiction. Open to all to attend at no cost, these community support meetings offer a study of the Big Book of AA and other AA literature within AA’s 12-step recovery program.
Living Sober: AA centers may have selected sessions set aside for Living Sober discussions. This text is secular in nature, and focuses on practical ways that members have used to stay sober one day at a time.
Open: Open AA meetings in Massachusetts are available to anyone interested in the AA program of alcoholism recovery. Attendees will learn more about how AA works and what the 12 step model entails. Individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction can attend, as well as friends and loved ones who want to support their recovery journey.
Speaker: Massachusetts AA centers reinforce sobriety through motivational speakers. Speakers can inspire audiences by using humor, charm, raw emotions, and faith.