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Island Pond Discussion Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


102 Railroad St
Island Pond, VT 05846

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Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: Vermont AA programs can inspire clients by reading and discussing the Big Book. This book contains stories about real people who successfully managed their alcohol use disorder.

Discussion: In Vermont, AA discussion meetings give all members the opportunity to share their thoughts on a specific, addiction-related topic. Leaders will organize and guide the meetings, often referring back to AA texts such as the Big Book or Daily Reflections.

Literature: Vermont AA literature meetings are support group meetings for men and women who are affected by alcohol addiction. These meetings study the Big Book of AA and other recovery writings by AA founders and leaders as part of a 12-step addiction recovery program. They are open for all to attend at no cost.

Open: Open AA meetings in Vermont are available to anyone in the community. Attendees do not have to be members of the program to listen and observe. These meetings are open to alcoholics and nonalcoholics alke, including anyone who wants to learn more about AA to support a friend or loved one in their recovery journey.

Wheelchair Access: In Vermont, non-ambulatory clients may attend their AA meetings. Centers provide wheelchair access with exterior ramps, designated parking, and open floor plans for safe navigation in meeting halls, restrooms, and amenities.

Other AA Meetings In Brighton

Find more AA meetings in Brighton, VT review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

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Just Desserts Meeting

144 Church St West Burke, VT 05871

Women’s Step Meeting

368 VT-114 East Burke, VT 05832

Colebrook Discussion/12 Step Group

55 Pleasant St Colebrook, NH 03576

5th Tradition Men’s Group

26 Prospect St Hyde Park, VT 05655

Steps 3 and 11 We Can Pause

8 Saxon Hill Rd Essex Junction, VT 05452

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