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Lunch Bunch

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1425 N 5th St
Grand Junction, CO 81501

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Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: In Colorado AA centers, clients may participate in Big Book discussions. This text features real men and women who overcame alcohol use disorder and can inspire clients to strengthen their resolve.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Colorado are based on a central topic related to alcohol addiction and recovery. A member will open the meeting by reading a related passage from a relevant AA text, such as the Big Book or Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Then, other members can share their input on the subject as they feel led.

Open: Open AA meetings in Colorado aren’t restricted to members only. Instead, anyone from the community is welcome to attend and learn more about how AA works and what the 12 step recovery model includes. This includes friends, family members, and spouses of individuals seeking alcohol addiction treatment.

Step Meeting: In Colorado, step meetings are provided in AA programs. In step meetings, clients read passages from AA texts, talk about their own progress in that step, and suggest strategies for future progress.

Other AA Meetings In Grand Junction

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