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Men of Dupont

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1328 16th St NW
Washington, DC 20036

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Meeting Notes

Hybrid: In-person and zoom is combined. Meeting Passcode: mod123 Dial-in number: (301) 715-8592, Meeting ID: 319715623# Press *6 to mute/share, *9 to raise hand See below for One Click Dial-in and/or Online Meeting links


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Washington, D.C. are only open to AA members and individuals who want to find help to overcome a drinking problem. Anyone can participate in the discussion, which usually focuses on a specific aspect of alcohol addiction and recovery.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Washington, D.C. are based on a key topic determined beforehand by the group leader. This topic will relate to alcoholism and recovery and may tie back to an AA text, such as Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. The leader will share to open the discussion, and then all members are welcome to participate.

Men: AA groups in Washington D.C. may provide free 12 Step Programs that are designed specifically for men. Here, men of all ages participate in discussions that focus on men’s health and recovery from alcohol use disorder.

Speaker: AA members in Washington D.C. often listen to motivational speakers to reinforce their resolve against drinking. In the AA center, speakers deliver their points by using emotional appeal, reason, humor, and faith.

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