202 N Franklin St
Greensburg, IN 47240
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Starting June 1st- We will be able to have in person meetings at the Presbyterian Church while taking all the necessary precautions in order to keep with the regulations mandated to social distance. If you wish to attend in person, you must wear a mask or at the very least, a face covering. Seating will adhere with the 6 feet apart distancing and it is strongly suggested that if you are feeling sick or have been sick recently, that you don't attend an in person meeting.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Closed: In Indiana, closed AA meetings are restricted to members of AA or people looking to overcome alcohol addiction. Outside observers are not able to attend. Discussions cover a range of topics related to alcoholism and recovery.
Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Indiana give members the opportunity to share their insights on a particular topic related to alcohol addiction recovery. The group leader will normally open the session by expanding upon a topic from an AA text, such as the Big Book. Then, others can provide insights as they feel led.
Open: In Indiana, open AA meetings are not limited to individuals with alcohol addictions only. Instead, anyone from the public is invited to come and learn more about the organization, including how the 12 step recovery model operates and what it entails. This may include the friends, family members, and loved ones of current members or any community member seeking more information.