579 White Swan Rd
Ohkay Owingeh, NM 87566
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Speakers Needed- Share your Experience, Strength & Hope Directions - From SR68, Turn W on 74 - Right onto White Swan Road - After the 5th Speed Bump, Left into New Moon Lodge 579 White Swan Rd, Ohkay Owingeh, NM
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Native American: Native American AA groups generally consist of members who identify with an American Indian/Alaskan Native group, and topics reflect challenges and issues facing that group’s recovery. Meetings may be held in that group’s language and include traditional healing practices along with standard AA methods.
Newcomer: In New Mexico, AA newcomer meetings help individuals understand how AA works and what to expect from the 12 step recovery model. These meetings are informative in nature and will usually include an overview of the first three steps in the program.
Speaker: Motivational speakers are commonly featured in New Mexico AA programs. These Speakers are usually AA alumni and use wit, reason, spirituality, and personality to inspire their audiences to resist relapse.