221 SE 14th St
Newton, KS 67114
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
• Non-Smoking
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Kansas' AA programs provide structured guidance through available 12 Steps and Traditions programs. These programs provide essential support for those seeking sobriety. Meetings welcome individuals and their loved ones, offer a supportive network for recovery, and establish skills that translate to lasting sobriety.
Closed: Closed AA meetings in Kansas are not open to members of the general community. Only members and people seeking help for alcohol addiction can attend. The discussions are informal and everyone is invited to share their experiences with alcoholism and recovery.
Literature: Literature-based AA meetings in Kansas are peer support meetings for people who are impacted by alcohol addiction. These group meetings are based on a 12-step recovery program and emphasize AA literature, such as the Big Book of AA and other writings by AA founders and leaders.
Men: Kansas offers select AA centers that are designated only for men impacted by alcohol use disorder. In these meetings, men of all ages participate in 12 Step Programs that focus on issues pertaining to their recovery.
Newcomer: AA newcomer meetings in Kansas are designed to introduce the program to people who are seeking help for alcohol addiction. Experienced members typically lead the sessions, which often focus on Steps 1 through 3 of AA’s 12 step recovery model.
Open: In Kansas, open AA meetings are accessible to anyone in the public who wants to learn more about how the recovery program works and what the 12 step model of recovery includes. This may include individuals currently seeking help for alcohol addiction, as well as their friends and loved ones.
Women: Women’s AA meetings in Kansas are community support meetings for women who are affected by alcoholism, including those who are addicted to alcohol and those who have loved ones with alcohol addiction. Held at various neighborhood locations, these meetings use a 12-step addiction recovery curriculum and are free to attend.