8912 Chesapeake Ave
North Beach, MD 20714
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Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: Clients in Maryland AA centers often use the Big Book for inspiration. The book contains stories about real people who successfully controlled alcohol use disorder.
Literature: Maryland literature-based AA meetings are peer group meetings for people who are impacted by alcohol addiction. Open to all to attend at no cost, these community support meetings offer a 12-step addiction recovery program and a study of the Big Book of AA and other AA literature.
Open: In Maryland, anyone in the community can attend open AA meetings. This includes individuals seeking treatment for alcohol use disorder and nonalcoholics who want to understand more about the program. Family, relatives, and loved ones of alcoholics can attend AA meetings to learn about addiction and what to expect as their loved one recovers.
Wheelchair Access: Maryland AA centers may include wheelchair access for non-ambulatory clients. Features may include ramps, designated parking spaces, and safe navigability of the center’s layout.