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Northford Group

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4 Old Post Rd
Northford, CT 06472

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Meeting Notes

Rtes 17 & 22


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Discussion: In Connecticut, AA discussion meetings revolve around one specific topic. A member serving as the leader will open the meeting by referencing an AA text, such as AA Grapevine, the Big Book, or Daily Reflections. Then, other members can participate and share their own feelings about the topic and its relation to their recovery journey.

Open: In Connecticut, open AA meetings are available to any interested member of the public, including individuals who aren’t seeking treatment for an alcohol use disorder. This gives participants the opportunity to learn more about AA and the 12 step model of recovery.

Speaker: In Connecticut, AA speaker meetings involve humor, raw emotions, personality, and faith. Their goal is to inspire clients to harden their resolve against alcohol.

Wheelchair Access: In Connecticut, AA meetings that have wheelchair accessibility allow clients to park in designated parking and ramps. Non-ambulatory clients can safely navigate meeting halls, restrooms, and additional amenities.

Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom: Selected AA centers offer wheelchair-accessible bathrooms for participants. These bathrooms have enough space for a wheelchair to safely navigate, and can include private stalls with guardrails, reachable toilet paper and seat cover dispensers, a wash basin, and other amenities.

Other AA Meetings In Northford

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540 Washington Ave North Haven, CT 06473

Easy as 1, 2, 3 (Beginner Step)

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Got to Have a Meeting Group

68 Quinnipiac St Wallingford, CT 06492

Top Of The Hill Group Wallingford

50 Gaylord Farm Road Wallingford, CT, 06492

Closed 12 Step Group

144 Pickett Ln Durham, CT 06422

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