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Northside Freedom Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


6444 Northwest Expy
Oklahoma City, OK 73132

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Candlelight: Candlelight AA meetings are sessions in which members bring candles, usually white, that represent their hopes and goals. When each member shares, that member lights their candles as they discuss their challenges and successes.

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Oklahoma are only accessible to members of AA and anyone who recognizes they have a drinking problem and wants to find help. The discussions are related to alcoholism and recovery and offer an opportunity for everyone to share.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Oklahoma are structured around one topic that relates to alcoholism and recovery. The topic normally ties into an AA text, such as the Big Book and As Bill Sees It. Leaders will reflect first and offer encouragement, then other members can add their own input.

Open: Open AA meetings in Oklahoma are available to the public. Anyone who wants to understand more about the organization and how its recovery program operates is welcome to attend. This may include individuals seeking treatment for alcohol addiction as well as their friends, relatives, or loved ones.

Other AA Meetings In Oklahoma City

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CityWide Speaker Meeting **ONLY LAST SAT OF THE MONTH***

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5943 NW 23rd St Oklahoma City, OK 73127

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