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Old Farm 12 Step Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1018 Whittier Highway
Moultonborough, NH, 03254

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in New Hampshire focus on one specific topic related to alcohol addiction and recovery. These topics normally come from an AA text, such as the Big Book. The leader will share the topic, add their personal insights, and open the floor for members to share reflections.

Step Meeting: New Hampshire AA centers feature step meetings in their programs. Members read from AA texts, discuss their progress with the stage in the 12 Step Program, and make plans for future progress in the next meeting.

Virtual: AA groups may opt to hold their meetings virtually. Online sessions can be closed or open and are typically conducted on free platforms such as Zoom.

Wheelchair Access: New Hampshire AA meetings may include wheelchair access for non-ambulatory clients. These centers may feature open floor plans, exterior ramps, and designated parking spaces.

Other AA Meetings In Moultonborough

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Winnie’s Womens Group

1018 Whittier Hwy Moultonborough, NH 03254

Plymouth Mens 12 Step Group

612 Tenney Mountain Hwy Plymouth, NH 03264

There Is a Solution Group

116 S Barnstead Rd Center Barnstead, NH 03225

123 Step Meeting

3 Emerson St Sanford, ME 04073

11 Step-Prayer-Meditation Group

21 Centre St Concord, NH 03301

Rule 62 Group

9 E Park St Lebanon, NH 03766

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