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Opelousas Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


406 S Liberty St
Opelousas, LA 70570

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Meeting Notes

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Closed: In Louisana, closed AA meetings are only available for members of AA and individuals seeking help for alcohol addiction. This allows participants to share details about their recovery that are best understood by other alcoholics. The discussions are informal and everyone can participate.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Louisiana are conversational in nature. Group leaders will begin by sharing a key topic related to alcoholism and recovery, often reading a related passage from an AA text, such as Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. After they share their reflections on the topic, they’ll invite others to participate.

Open: Open AA meetings in Louisiana are available to anyone who wants to learn more about the program and how its recovery model works. Participants can include individuals seeking treatment for alcohol addiction as well as nonalcoholics interested in the 12 step program.

Speaker: In Louisiana, AA members might be scheduled to listen to motivational speakers. Speakers are usually AA alumni and use a mixture of humor, charm, raw emotions, and faith to encourage participants to harden their resolve against relapse.

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