905 E McMurray Rd
Venetia, PA 15367
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Meeting Notes
Meeting will be outside; Bring your own chair; If you need to enter the building for any reason the church requires you to be in a mask; you will be required to sanitize anything you touch; Use of inside facilities will be emergency only or if the weather Is not acceptable for outside meeting; this will be determined on a weekly basis by the HG; Socially spaced circle; Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will be available; No coffee or snacks will be provided;
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
12 Steps & 12 Traditions: Pennsylvania's AA 12 Step and Traditions programs welcomes all individuals seeking support Meetings provide a nurturing environment for recovery. With regular and flexible meetings, individuals can find the assistance they need on their journey to sobriety.
Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Pennsylvania are structured around a central topic related to alcoholism and recovery. After opening the meeting and sharing the topic, leaders may share briefly from a related AA text. Then, they’ll add their own insights and encourage others to participate in the conversation.
Newcomer: In Pennsylvania, AA newcomer meetings are available for individuals who are new to AA and want to learn more as they take the first steps toward recovery. Experienced members usually lead the sessions, which may be discussion-based or structured around core topics.