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Poteau Unity Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


411 Clayton Ave
Poteau, OK 74953

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: Oklahoma AA programs frequently use the Big Book for discussions. Participants can be inspired by the lives of real people who successfully controlled their alcohol use disorder.

Discussion: AA discussion meetings in Oklahoma are structured around one topic that relates to alcoholism and recovery. The topic normally ties into an AA text, such as the Big Book and As Bill Sees It. Leaders will reflect first and offer encouragement, then other members can add their own input.

Grapevine: Grapevine is a monthly magazine published by AA. Its contents, written by AA members, generally feature the experiences of individuals with alcohol use disorder, and articles are often discussed in AA meetings.

Literature: Literature-led AA meetings in Oklahoma are support group meetings for people who are affected by alcoholism, including those suffering from alcohol addiction and those who have loved ones addicted to alcohol. These meetings, which are open to all at no cost, are based on the Big Book of AA and other AA literature as part of a 12-step addiction recovery program.

Open: Open AA meetings in Oklahoma are available to the public. Anyone who wants to understand more about the organization and how its recovery program operates is welcome to attend. This may include individuals seeking treatment for alcohol addiction as well as their friends, relatives, or loved ones.

Other AA Meetings In Poteau

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