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Recuperacion Hispana

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


465 Pat Mell Rd SE #109
Smyrna, GA 30080

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Open: In Georgia, anyone in the community can attend open AA meetings. These are available to individuals recovering from alcohol use disorder as well as nonalcoholics who want to learn more about the AA program and how the 12 step recovery model operates. The meetings are informative in nature and may include member input.

Spanish: Spanish AA meetings are intended for members who have limited English-speaking skills or those who choose to participate in Spanish. Other features of the center, such as AA literature or sign-language interpreters, may or may not be available in Spanish.

Other AA Meetings In Smyrna

Find more AA meetings in Smyrna, GA review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

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445 Windy Hill Rd SE #235 Marietta, GA 30060


304 Poplar St Marietta, GA 30060

Stag-We Are Not a Glum Lot

304 Poplar St Marietta, GA 30060

Grupo 3er Legado

5299 Roswell Rd #224 Atlanta, GA 30342

Room 207 Group

3890 Corye Ln Marietta, GA 30066

11th Step

702 Lakeshore Cir NE Atlanta, GA 30324

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