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Rule 62 Lawrence

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Lawrence, KS

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Discussion: In Kansas, AA discussion meetings are structured around a specific topic that relates to alcohol addiction. Typically, the speaker will choose a short passage from a related AA text, such as the Big Book, and then briefly share their reflections. Then, other members can reflect on the topic and share their insights.

Grapevine: Grapevine is a monthly magazine published by AA. Its contents, written by AA members, generally feature the experiences of individuals with alcohol use disorder, and articles are often discussed in AA meetings.

Literature: Literature-based AA meetings in Kansas are peer support meetings for people who are impacted by alcohol addiction. These group meetings are based on a 12-step recovery program and emphasize AA literature, such as the Big Book of AA and other writings by AA founders and leaders.

Open: In Kansas, open AA meetings are accessible to anyone in the public who wants to learn more about how the recovery program works and what the 12 step model of recovery includes. This may include individuals currently seeking help for alcohol addiction, as well as their friends and loved ones.

Speaker: Motivational speakers can help AA audiences reinforce their sobriety. In Kansas, many Speakers are usually AA alumni and use a mix of humor, charm, faith, and raw emotions to connect with participants.

Step Meeting: AA programs in Kansas often include step meetings. In these meetings, clients can discuss how their experience aligns with the 12 Step Program and make suggestions about how to better their recovery.

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Sisters In Sobriety

Lawrence, KS

Rule 62 Lawrence

1011 Vermont St Lawrence, KS 66044

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2627 SW Western Ave Topeka, KS 66611

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2100 SW Central Park Ave Topeka, KS 66611

The Next 24

2303 SW College Ave Topeka, KS 66611


2303 SW College Ave Topeka, KS 66611

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