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Saturday Beginners Group

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


59 Church Rd
Easton, CT 06612

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Meeting Notes

In Person: Masks Required ZOOM ID: 897 3791 6121 Password: 191345


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Discussion: In Connecticut, AA discussion meetings revolve around one specific topic. A member serving as the leader will open the meeting by referencing an AA text, such as AA Grapevine, the Big Book, or Daily Reflections. Then, other members can participate and share their own feelings about the topic and its relation to their recovery journey.

Newcomer: In Connecticut, AA newcomer meetings offer an opportunity for individuals in the early stages of alcoholism recovery to learn more about AA, ask questions, and receive resources. The discussions usually focus on the first three steps of AA’s 12 step program.

Open: In Connecticut, open AA meetings are available to any interested member of the public, including individuals who aren’t seeking treatment for an alcohol use disorder. This gives participants the opportunity to learn more about AA and the 12 step model of recovery.

Other AA Meetings In Easton

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The First Easton AA Group

336 Westport Rd Easton, CT 06612

11th Step Meditation

5958 Main St Trumbull, CT 06611

4th Dimension

1089 Fairfield Woods Rd Fairfield, CT 06825

Stratfield 12 and 12 Group

545 Stratfield Rd Fairfield, CT 06825

One Step at a Time Group

1734 Huntington Turnpike Trumbull, CT 06611

24 Hours A Day

80 Long Lots Rd Westport, CT 06880

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